LEADER Region Traunviertler Alpenvorland 

On the initiative of the LEADER region of the Traunviertler Alpenvorland, 15 communities from the Steyr Kirchdorf region have joined forces to set up digital image archives for their home towns. In doing so, you secure historical photo material and make it publicly accessible.

Topotheques create proximity: leafing through the pages brings us closer to bygone times, encountering faces and events that lie far in the past. And we get closer in the region because we can understand its development and share our memories.

We are proud of our project, of the many volunteers in the communities and of the encouragement of the population.
It‘s good to collect the many stories and keep them from being forgotten. This makes the Topotheque a living instrument maintained by people for people.

Mag. Siegfried Kristöfl (historian and head of the project)

DDI Josef Wolfthaler (LEADER manager Traunviertler Alpenvorland