Visit of Topotheque in the "Neue Mittelschule" in Prinzersdorf © Josef Schaberger

A / NOE: Prinzersdorf: Archive comes to the school

A great cooperation between the local Topotheque and the school management made it possible for the Topothequers of the Prinzersdorf, Walter Bachinger and Josef Schaberger, to introduce historical topics to the students of the New Middle School for several hours. The school management organized that three school classes were combined for three teaching units in the timetable in order to give space to the local history of Prinzersdorf. In this local history setting, the community‘s past was shown through the Topotheque. One focus was the war years in Prinzersdorf, with the students‘ questions showing that even everyday photos only have an impact through personal explanations. The event also included an insight into the Kurrent script and the figure of the night watchman, who has long since disappeared from consciousness – and by the way, the original halberd still exists and was brought to school as a proof of the authenticity of this person.