The Topotheque of Sierning brings to light a bag full of photographs © Verein Heimatforscher Sierning

A / OOE: Sierning: Topotheque opening

A soil steeped in history still characterizes the market town of Sierning today. Sierning and the Neuzeug district were an important center for hardware production early on. In this tradition, three generations of the Werndl family – Benedikt, Leopold and then Josef – founded the industrial production of metal goods, weapons and even the Steyr works, thereby writing Austrian industrial history. This resulted in a mixture of industry and agriculture, which can be seen in the pictures of the new Topotheque in Sierning and Neuzeug. This was opened on September 9th with 150 visitors in the Neuzeug event center. The poorhouse, the hospital, the school, even a kindergarten in 1890 and the fire department, which was founded in 1871, bear witness to the town‘s remarkably early infrastructure, which was necessary for the workforce. The small rural monuments, which can also be found in their current form in this Topotheque, go back even further in time. The pictures of the demolition work on the Feldhofer-Mill from last year show that history begins with current change. So that this fixture in Sierning, which was once part of everyday life, remains in memory.