Wooden rafts in the vastness of the landscape © National Museums Agency, National Science Image Collection

FI: Hämeenkyrö: Topotheque online

The new Topotheque of Hämeenkyrö, a town in south-western Finland, gives a special insight into a region of lakes and forests. Most of the photographs currently on display are black and white and of high quality, giving a very consistent picture in this collection. But the diversity becomes apparent on closer inspection. Some pictures from the 1990s can still be seen in shades of gray and thus offer a visual bridge to the only seemingly colorless past. The traditional buildings of the region are made of wood. This allows good comparisons to be drawn with our wooden buildings, such as those that arose in the early leisure regions in our latitudes. But also in the stylistic elements that want to capture the atmosphere of feudal buildings with verandas and wooden columns. For those interested in the fire brigade, there are already some pictures under the search term „paloauto“ or „palokunta“ to examine fire brigade exercises, vehicles and uniforms. And those interested in vehicles will always find a special mix of automobiles in Finland that we hardly know in this country. Or do you still remember one of the first „Family Vans“, the Renault Prairie/Colorale, which can be seen here in a (still reversed) picture?