The river as a multifaceted companion through the seasons. The Triesting in Weissenbach. © Marktgemeinde Weissenbach

A / NOE | LEADER-Region Triestingtal: Collecting Project

The regional project was started under the name “Triesting lifeline – where time and water flow” in cooperation with the Topotheques of the Triesting Valley. The pioneers of digital collectors in this region were the Toptheques in Altenmarkt and Kleinmariazell, which went online in 2013. Since then, more than 25,000 images and documents between Kaumberg and Schönau have been collected, categorized and published. The recently opened Topotheque of the city of Berndorf is already the tenth in the region.

The project is aimed at the residents of the region and calls on them to share their impressions of “theyr” river with others. “With the start of the photo collection project ‚Lebensader Triesting‘, we want to offer a new digital shop window to the growing awareness of making history tangible. The Topotheques are our partner Partner ”, says LEADER regional chairman of the LAbg. Mayor Josef Balber. For LEADER-region manager DI Anette Schawerda, the Triesting is “the river that gives the valley its name and was first mentioned in a document over 1,000 years ago. It has always shaped the environment in the region and connects people over generations.” A current example of the major changes along the Triesting is the flood protection project“ Retention Basin Fahrafeld ”, which has been built by the Triesting Water Association since the summer of this year. The “Triesting lifeline” project is intended to help keep memories of the time before construction started. The LEADER region Triestingtal will report on the progress of the project on it´s website.