
Who works in a topotheque?

Precondition for working with a topotheque is interest and – often – volunteer support. Historical expert knowledge is not necessary. This way local history enthusiasts can participate in the maintenance. Results can be amended at any time, comments and tags can be refined continuously. Since a topotheque is always published by an institution, it is based on editorial work. The topotheque managers of a municipal topotheque are responsible for the content. The validation of contributions by the topotheque managers therefore always precedes the publication.

Who runs a topotheque?

The principles of the topotheque are: The access to historically relevant material should be freely accessible for interested people and the public. The handling of the provided material and their respective data must be trustworthy. This is why a topotheque should only be managed by an institution that doesn’t have any commercial exploitation of the historic material in mind and which is why mainly public institutions like communities, associations or education facilities manage a topotheque. It is these institutions that the population can place their trust in and therewith encourage private persons to allow public insight into private material. Likewise, the Topotheque has proven its services when it comes to processing the history of an association or business. It functions as centre for joint team work between employees and/or retired employees who voluntarily care for the documentation of the company`s tradition.