Dear Visitors!

Thank you for your interest in the Topotheques in the Eferdinger Land.

Everyone collects memories for themselves, in the family, in their circle of friends and beyond. Stories and history also belong to every place and every community. They tell of social events, festivals and customs, structural developments, companies and of course its residents.

The Topotheque is an online archive for present and future generations. It is therefore of great importance for local historical research. A Topotheque is also a possible tool to secure informal knowledge.

We can all bring this archive to life if we make our private material and knowledge available to the general public to prevent it from being forgotten. We collect historical photos, texts, documents and much more in our Topotheques. Of course, the originals and rights of use remain with the owner.

With the Topotheques we can take a deep look into the past. You too can help to preserve our common roots for future generations.

We hope you have fun and enjoy browsing, we wish you aha moments and we look forward to your memories. We would like to thank the many Topothequers who work on a voluntary basis in the 10 participating communities, which are now being activated successively.

We are pleased to be able to financially support this project with funds from the EU LEADER funding pot.

Mayor Mario Hermüller
Chairman of the Eferding Regional Development Association

PS: We strive to make the Topotheques in the Eferdinger Land interesting and informative. That is why your treasures are very important to us. If you have or would like to add information to existing entries, we look forward to your input.

The Topothequers work to the best of their knowledge and belief. If you feel that your copyright or personal rights have been violated or if you do not agree with the photos or illustrations, please contact the relevant topotheque by e-mail.