Excitingly moderated, the article illuminated teh Topotheque of the City of Villach i a clear way.

A / K: Villach: ORF report for 2nd anniversary

The Topotheque Villach‘s two-year existence was celebrated with a memorable short report that was even shown on the ORF website orf.at. The team of the Villach Topotheque around Sandra Bertel and city archive director Andreas Kuchler presented the work and goals of the Topotheque in Villach as well as its focus in just under three minutes. If the link https://orf.at/av/video/tvthekVideoNews6694 cannot be accessed later, the article could still be found under „Two years of Topothek Villach“, dated „April 17, 2024, 7:34 p.m.“.