Ehrung der Topothekare: Vizebürgermeister Wolfgang Ramharter, die Topothekare Herbert Halbauer, Bernhard Koschi, Bürgermeisterin Ingrid Klauninger © Alexander Schatek

A / NOE: Theresienfeld: Honoring the Topothequers

Theresienfeld‘s Topothequers, Herbert Halbauer and Bernhard Koschi, follow in the footsteps of Maria Theresia. In the community‘s event hall, they were ceremoniously honored with the golden badge of honor by Mayor Ingrid Klauninger and Deputy Mayor Wolfgang Reinahrter for their dedicated voluntary work relating to the history of the place, which was founded by the Empress Maria Theresia in 1763. The „Team Culture“ of the independent „WIR:Theresienfeld“ association has set itself the task of securing the historical peculiarities of the place in the Topotheque and making the sights accessible on site. This is the local “Culture Parcour” which follows the motto „On the trail of history“. The interaction of collection and education, Topotheque and Parcour, is extremely well received by the population and by those interested in Austrian history. The official appreciation expressed by the award will be a further incentive for the two Topothequers to continue to grow the Theresienfeld Topotheque.