Alles kehrt wieder – so auch die Hosenmode. Herrentreffen in Lambach anno 1978: hoch modern © Horst Zöhrer

A / OOE: Lambach: Topotheque online

On the occasion of the festival opening the market square, the Topotheque of Lambach was also made public. The market town, which lies on the river Traun, is characterized by a historic center whose almost original condition was still around the year 1950, as shown by an extensive series of pictures – click here for a selection. Other aspects that will represent long-faded memories for many are the pictures of the „Haager Liehs“, as the local railway was called, or the tragic collapse during tunnel construction work. Of course, a nice photo of a Lohner Sissy with the proud owner is not missing. Many of the mayors from the years 1857 to 2006 gathered at the start of this Topotheque – to wish the Lambach topotheque a good reception from the public, so to speak.