Lanterns and their colors are also subject to change over time. Martin´s festival in Eberstein © Marktgemeinde Eberstein

A / K: Eberstein: Topotheque online

The first Topotheque of the Görtschitztal in Carinthia is that of the market town of Eberstein. Helene Scheiber‘s team would like to inform the public about the online collection right away with the first pictures and thus ensure that new picture sources from private hands are added quickly. Especially the first years of digital photography, whose photos often lie dormant on old data carriers, should not be neglected in this new Topotheque. We all know the statement: „I took pictures of that.“ And the next sentence is: „Now I don‘t know, did I play it on an SD card or on a hard drive? But where are these?“ We hope that a lot can still be copied from early data carriers as long as the old storage media still work or devices and software are still available that can read them. So we can find even more memories of 1970s ski goggles.