30 Topotheques in Croatia

HR: 30 Topotheques in Croatia

30 peanuts in Croatia? A list of 30 Topotheques in Croatia stretches from Bjelovar to Zagreb. And these cover a wide range of topics: in community Topotheques you can refresh holiday memories, such as in Rijeka or get to know the country and culture better, as the ethnological entries in the Topotheque Ilok show. The institutional Topotheques “They: Live, Student Lives Rijeka” and Zagreb report on student life and were initiated by an Eurupean Project. Those interested in architecture will have a look at the numerous construction plans of the 1880s of the Topotheque of the Rijeka State Archives. Other thematic and institutional Topotheques, such as those of the Croatian National Theater or the National Railway Museum, already offer a large number of finds. Enjoy a pictorial journey into the warmth of the south, found in the listings under each Topotheque or in the footer of this site! Oh yeah, if you want to know if there really are peanuts in our cover photo, just look here.